Meet A Farmer: Sinoliyamu Banda

Sinoliyamu Banda

Community: Sambani, Malawi
Year joined: 2008
Number of trees planted: 900 trees in 27×100-meter segments of boundary plantings
Carbon benefit created by Sinoliyamu: 212 tonnes of CO2
Earnings to date: $660
Total expected earnings: $1,100 (over 10 years, based on successful maintenance of plantings)

Sinoliyamu Banda wanted to have easy access to firewood, poles and herbs. In order to make his dream a reality, he joined Trees of Hope after hearing about the agroforestry project through a friend. Sinoliyamu says, “I did not only manage to have firewood close to my home. I also managed to make some money and buy 32 iron sheets for my house and other structures in my compound. This project has helped me to provide for my family. I am right now paying school fees for my brothers.” The trees Sinoliyamu planted have improved the ecosystem around his home as well. He notes that the air is cooler. “I am planning to plant more trees since I now know how important trees are to humans.”

Create income for farming families of the Clinton Development Initiative’s Trees of Hope project here and learn more about the project at

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