Overview of the Plan Vivo carbon standard

All COTAP projects are certified by the Plan Vivo carbon standard, overseen by the the Plan Vivo Foundation, a charity based in Edinburgh, Scotland.  With roots stretching back to a research project in Chiapas, Mexico in 1994, Plan Vivo is the longest-standing and most established forestry carbon accounting standard in the world.

Plan Vivo is also the only forestry carbon accounting standard which always requires projects to have detailed plans for direct payments to smallholders and community groups. In June 2011, Plan Vivo issued its one millionth Plan Vivo certificate, representing over 1 million tonnes of certified carbon dioxide sequestration.

This video, produced by UK-based carbon consultancy CLEVEL and used with permission, contains footage from 3 of COTAP’s projects, as well as from projects we aim to add to our portfolio in the future.

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